This blog sheds a lot of light on just how much of a slacker I am, or procrastinator. Or maybe a little of both (or a lot of both.) I have to defend myself and say, I have made 2-3 videos during this 4 month hiatus, and I've attempted to upload them, on several occasions. But I've been in a sort of slump when it comes to talking about, or getting excited about my transition lately. It's a little to do with an encounter I had with my younger brother shortly after our family vacation in April, where I spent some time with Amber, my mom, dad, brother, and his girlfriend in Chicago with a lot of our extended family. It also may subconsciously have to do with the fact that I posted this blog on my facebook to celebrate my one year on T video with friends and family, and now I'm aware/fearful that anyone at any time can look this up and read my feelings, at their own convenience. Not that I'm afraid to express my true self, I think it's just that now I am more cautious of what I will say/write here, which in turn, leaves me with not much to say at all.
On that note, however, I feel it is time for an update! Today's July 5th, a day after America's day of Independence, happy birthday America. I had a nice, relaxing weekend. Amber and I stayed local and watched the Madison County firework show here in London, from my work. I got eaten alive by mosquitoes in the 20 mins we were outside near the brush, haha. I guess I have sweet blood?
Since this is a blog to track my transition, I feel I should at least touch base and state some changes in the last 4 months. My facial hair is definitely still progressing... but still rather slowly. My legs are hairy as hell, along with my forearms, back, etc. Hair everywhere! I feel like most physical changes are coming closer to a plateau, and now the things I notice more often are internal, thoughts and feelings. My voice has deepened slightly still, I believe. You can be the judge of that, here's a video.
So now, a month later, August 5th. Maybe I will actually post this update. I logged in to make a post, and found that I still had a draft from a month ago that I never posted. Which goes to show, I really have been reluctant to post anything on here, and I'm still not sure why. I guess I've just bee caught up with living instead of just blogging about it, which I won't apologize for. So finally, here is a video.